Empowering change through diversity and inclusion

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About LaTosch Consulting

LaTosch Consulting was founded in 2012 by Kathleen LaTosch after serving as Chief Administrative Officer at Affirmations and upon completing a four-year racial inclusiveness initiative she led and facilitated, Blueprint for Change.  It was aimed at addressing historic racial inequities within an LGBTQ community center located just outside of Detroit, MI.  The project has been lifted up as an example of positive change initiatives and won the organization a Corp! Magazine Diversity Award in 2011.

With a background in both anthropology and social work, the experience led LaTosch to more deeply understand the extent to which the nonprofit sector was white-led, leading to inequities for people of color in employment, involvement and services.  It moved and amplified her desire to help nonprofits do better for all – by increasing diversity, equity, and inclusion at all levels within an organization and beyond – individual understandings, interpersonal relationships, organizational policies & practices, and advocating up and out to impact systemic inequities.

LaTosch Consulting

Consultants & Associates

Sandra Dukhie

Sandra Dukhie is an advocate for youth, education, and social justice. She dedicates time working with family and parent organizations advising on advocating for students educational rights and success. Sandra has served in public education for more than twenty years and currently serves as Vice President of the Ferndale School Board and Co-Chair of the Oakland County School Board Association DEI Committee. June 2020, Sandra co-authored a resolution passed by the Ferndale School Board dedicating itself to anti-racism. In 2019, Sandra was named a Diversity Champion by the Race Relations and Diversity Task Force, and remains committed to racial, gender, and queer equity.

Kathleen LaTosch, MSW

Director and Principal Consultant of LaTosch Consulting.  Since launching LaTosch Consulting in 2012, Kathleen has worked with 25 different organizations in Michigan and across the country.  Her work includes DEI strategic planning, environmental scanning and assessment/recommendations, facilitated conversations and leadership development.  

Kathleen “Kat” LaTosch is passionate about helping white people change the way they think and act in relationship to race. She is a Qualified Administrator of the Intercultural Development Inventory and provides specialty coaching for white people.  Kathleen is also a facilitator for the white people’s cohort of Nonprofit Enterprises at Work (NEW)’s Champions for Change leadership program and was recently selected to facilitate the White Allies ERG for the CatalystEd consultant network.

Clarence Patton

The Founder and Director of the Pipeline Project, a leadership development and advancement effort with the goal of producing programs and engaging in activities that together will represent a long-term effort to increase the number of LGBT People of Color working in and leading progressive non-profit organizations.  

Clarence is also the Principal of Pipeline Consulting, which provides organizational and leadership development for institutions, using an organizational systems-based frame, and a filter of diversity and inclusion. 

Based out of Brooklyn, NY, Clarence is a skilled Professional Coach and Advisor trained in both Interpersonal Leadership Styles (ILS) and the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), he advises individual professionals on career planning, problem-solving, strategic thinking and forward planning, and groups with Board, Executive and staff management, relationship-building, and strategy.

Freda G. Sampson, MFA, CDP

The owner and principal of Freda G. Sampson LLC, a diversity, equity & inclusion consultant company.  Freda has significant experience in corporate, non‐profit, governmental, and entrepreneurial sects. She is an extremely capable and competent professional, with a commitment towards bridging racial and cultural divisions through community engagement, advocacy, and organizational development. Her skill set is diversity & inclusion, cultural competency training, project development and implementation. She has operated in leadership positions in corporate settings implementing DEI organization wide. 

Freda has had significant engagement with community as manager for Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion where she designed and led multiple initiatives that dealt with racial equity in Metropolitan Detroit and the surrounding region.

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Contact LaTosch Consulting for more information about how your organization can expand its diversity, equity and inclusion.