Incorporating the values of diversity & inclusion into the very fabric…

LIFT“Two years ago, LIFT embarked on a transformative journey to incorporate our values of diversity and inclusion in the fabric of our organization. We have a come a long way and we’re here to update you on our progress.”

-Kirsten Lodal,
LIFT CEO and Co-Founder

As more and more organizations realize that simple recruitment isn’t the answer, many of them are tuning in more deeply to the real lessons of racial diversity and inclusion – that it’s about a basic respect and appreciation for all people in the workplace.   This value and understanding must come from the top and be expressed throughout the structure of an organization – among all levels of staff and volunteers.

The first step is taking a good look at how inclusive your organization is right now – and finding out how people of color perceive it.   For historically white organizations, majority observations of inclusion are likely to be very different from the perspectives of people of color.  Learning about those differences and being open to exploring those differences is the first step toward building a truly inclusive environment within any organization.

LaTosch Consulting applauds LIFT for embarking upon an intentional and thoughtful process of both exploration and discovery.  To learn more about their journey, read here.

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